
Current awards

Quality distinguishes us!

Again best award with 4 Lilies and 20 Points from the Relax Guide 2019
Relax Guide

Again best award with 4 Lilies and 20 Points from the Relax Guide 2019

We are delighted that we have again received 4 lilies and 20 points this year for our outstanding services and offers throughout the hotel sector. The Relax Guide, which has given us its highest accolade, has been established as a valued Wellness Guide on the market for 17 years and is recognized by our discerning guests.


"Grüne Haube"

"Grüne Haube"

Our kitchen line is awarded the "Grünen Haube" for Austrian natural and vitality cuisine. The Austrian natural cuisine consists primarily of plant foods, if possible from controlled domestic cultivation as well as from milk and milk products, about half of them as fresh food. Meat and eggs from ecologically and animal-friendly farms expand the food range in moderation. With the dishes of the natural cuisine, you can absorb sufficient amounts of digestive fiber and active ingredients, minerals and other trace elements, enzymes and unsaturated fatty acids in their natural form with a reasonable amount of energy. The natural kitchen consciously dispenses with the use of food additives and makes sure that the food is processed and processed with particular care.


Awarded from Falstaff

Awarded from Falstaff

It is a special achievement that our kitchen and service offer, which was evaluated by Falstaff readers, can be found again this year at the leading companies.
With our valued kitchen, which we offer the hotel guests in the context of half board, we are now on the same level for years with very good, specialized à la carte restaurants, in which the basic requirements in terms of staff and seats but significantly different.


Der Steirerhof Bad Waltersdorf - Sieger beim Amuse Bouche 2018

Bereits zum 11. Mal organisierte Amuse Bouche die exklusive Event-Serie „Wettkampf der Top-Lehrlinge“. 18 ausgewählte österreichische Spitzenhotels am „Wettkampf der Top-Lehrlinge“ teil. Die Teilnahme bot den Top-Lehrlingen die Chance, Fachwissen und -können weiterzuentwickeln und unter Beweis zu stellen. Praxisnah und zeitgemäß lautete die Devise beim "Wettkampf der Top-Lehrlinge" besonders großer Wert wurde auf die Zusammenarbeit im Team gelegt! Martin Ernst (Service) & Stefan Meier (Küche) gewannen den Amuse Bouche 2018 für den Steirerhof! Wir gratulieren!

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