
Bath therapies

Water can make unbelievable things happen - especially when it's fortified with high-quality, healing essences.
Our baths stimulate and refresh, relax and calm down, donate strength and energy - according to your individual needs.

You are able to announce your treatment wishes through the wish list. Just click on the treatment or the heart and your request will be attached to the form.

  • Chinese herbal bath

    € 47

    A tincture made from pure Chinese herbs and roots is added to this regenerative bath, which removes blockages and tensions from the joints and muscles, alleviates pain, eases inflammation and boosts your energy flow. This bath has proved to be very effective against stress induced exhaustion.

    Duration of treatment approx. 30 minutes

  • Lather treatment with a honey-oil-massage

    € 76

    This intensive treatment cleans the body and boosts the circulation, which is intensified even more by the pleasant warmth of the special bed. The heat opens the skin’s pores and penetrates deep into the muscles. When your body has been washed, it is massaged all over with warm honey and oil. Complete relaxation for body, mind and spirit.

    Duration of treatment approx. 50 minutes

  • Sound & Fragrance Sinfonia

    € 46

    The human body exists predominant out of water. By the pleasant sound waves of music, which are transmitted in the bath tub, the water starts moving and so this bath is being a smooth massage for the somatic cells. To raise the pleasant effect, an individual fragrance oil is adding to the bath. We create your own sinfonia of sound and fragrance, where tensions and blockades are dissolved.

    Duration of treatment approx. 30 minutes

  • Whole-body peeling

    € 46

    Fine exfoliating particles gently remove dry skin cells and clean skin thoroughly. This treatment is ideal for every skin type, making the skin smooth and supple. Ideal preparation for baths, wraps, packs and massages.

    Duration of treatment approx. 30 minutes

  • Empress Sisi bath

    € 82

    A bathing experience with peeling, face mask and full bath. First you are given a natural peeling made from corn semolina and mare's milk, which neutralises the pH level of the skin. This is followed by a moisturising face mask. Finally, indulged in a full-sized bath with a blend of rose petals, milk and rose oil. A refreshing fruit cocktail drink rounds off this very special bathing experience.

    Duration of treatment approx. 60 minutes

  • Detox bath

    € 63

    The skin is our biggest decontaminating organ with all the sweat glands, that remove toxins out of our body. Sweating out toxins, cleaning the body, reducing joint- and muscles pains and relaxing the soul and getting better sleep, are the main effect of this bath. The moisture content of the skin is getting better and the process of metabolism is increasing. With a nature salt oil peeling, with a rich count on nutrients, the body is having the optimal preparation for the detox bath.

    Duration of treatment approx. 45 minutes

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Our competent staff at the Spa reception will explain you in detail the various treatments and what is especially good for you.
If you would like to be pampered during your stay in our Spa area, we recommend that you book your desired dates already from home.

Our Spa reception is available on +43 3333 3211-82,
Mon-Sat from 08:00 to 17:30,
Sundays and public holidays from 08:00 to 14:00.

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